Thursday, February 8, 2024

Having a SOUND mind


2 Timothy 1:7

King James Version

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; 

but of power, and of love, 

and of a sound mind.

What is a sound mind?

What is a broken mind?

What are evil minds?

By what do we measure it with?

That's what you'll find out in this 98th blog.

Fresh from GOD's oven.

Inspired by SPIRIT.

In honor of JESUS.

Based on Scripture.

The mind has always been of great interest for me.

Knowing how the mind works.

How the mind is manipulated.

What makes for a sound mind.

How we can strengthen our minds.

Who we can trust our minds with.

When GOD made me born again, I began to really understand.

Because He gave me Scripture to study. and learn from.

You will marvel at what GOD's WORD will tell us.

That we may be saved, sound, and safe.

Secure, serene, and sin-free.

Happy, holy, and healed.

Head over to these tabs now:

2024 articles

SOUND mind



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The MISGUIDED minions

 Romans 14:13 King James Version 13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more:  but judge this rather, that no man  put a stumblingblo...