Romans 14:13
King James Version
13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more:
but judge this rather, that no man
put a stumblingblock or an occasion
to fall in his brother's way.
How is America being sabotaged from within?
By delaying confirmation of Trump's appointments.
A misguided move.
By misguided minions.
With malicious intent.
With the enemy's spirit behind it.
The Republican house majority is 53.
The Democrats have 47.
And yet, out of Trump's 22 nominations, only four have been confirmed so far:
Marco Rubio, as Secretary of State.
John Ratcliffe, as Director of Central Intelligence Agency
Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense.
Kristi Noem, for Secretary of Homeland Security.
Haven't the Dems gotten it yet?
It's futile fighting Trump.
His train has rolled.
Gathering more speed as he goes along.
With many happy passengers on board.
Woe to anyone who steps in its tracks.
Best you hop on board, too!
For you're going on a magnificent adventure!
Infighting can delay "justice" to the people.
Let not America suffer what Israel suffered.
All because of "infighting".
You've heard of, "Justice delayed, is justice denied".
The American people deserve to have justice.
They deserve to have a government that works.
Enough of the Biden and Kamala tactics.
Enough of the "powers" behind them.
The Dems have lost.
People want Trump.
They voted for him.
What part can't they get?
It's all about ego.
The Luciferic ego.
Can't accept defeat.
GOD has already put His president in.
Sure you want to be in the way?
Sure you want to keep rebelling?
Sure you want to deprive people of justice?
Are you prepared for the consequences?
To understand everything that's happening today:
Everyone must read the Bible.
Be born again.
Believe in JESUS.
Be taught by the HOLY SPIRIT.
It's all about obedience to GOD's will.
That's all there is.
Keep going, Mr. President!
GOD's got your back!
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